Anna Mumm

Education: Bachelor of Science in Design: Interior Design; University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Employer with Location: DLR Group, Lincoln

Years in Design: 5 years

Years in IIDA: 4 years

IIDA Great Plains Chapter City Center: Omaha


What might you find on your desk right now?

Iced coffee, a plant, an ever evolving to do list and pictures of my dog.


Who/what sources do you look for drive and inspiration?

I think it’s fun to look to fashion for design inspiration. From colors to patterns to textures, the fashion industry seems to always trickle down to interior inspiration for me!


What type/niche of design are you most passionate about?

Lately, I’ve been loving working on sports projects. Each project brings its unique set of design constraints and developing ways to best elevate the fan/user experience has been a lot of fun.

Is there anyone specific who would be a dream to collaborate with?

A dream client would be collaborating with are tail store like Free People or Nike. I think designing a storefront/interior retail space would be such a fun and creative experience.

What words of advice do you have for passionate interior designers early in their career?

Use your design voice early on! We have so much to learn from young designers, including the latest and greatest rendering programs to new ways of thinking about design… their voice is always valued.


What are the last five songs you’ve listened to?

The last few weeks have been a constant cycle through Beyonce’s new album, Cowboy Carter. She’s my icon!

Past Member

We have some pretty amazing members. View some of our past member spotlights.

Allie Schutt, NCIDQ, IIDA

Ashlee Clayborne